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    World Top 結果共30筆

  • 為攻頂小巨蛋!Ozone爬象山驚見「超粗生物」 路滑險跌倒

    男團Ozone日前宣布開啟「攻頂之路」計劃,為了將在8月3日登上台北小巨蛋舞台,他們持續練舞、練唱、練特技、練肌肉,特別在昨天(18)日利用忙碌的工作空檔,相約一起爬象山鍛鍊體能,雖然登山前的雷陣雨讓六人心驚膽跳,但好天氣在抵達登山步道口時降臨,讓六人能順利安全地攻頂,高舉特製的「Ozone World Top 攻頂計劃」紅布條,象徵著Ozone面對未來的挑戰,都會彼此支援,一起一步一步熱血闖關,也成功搶先感受攻頂World Top的王者風範。
    2024/06/19 13:00
  • Ozone攻蛋倒數祭熱血新歌 佳辰曝1招紓壓喊「被接住」

    人氣男團「Ozone」開啟「攻頂之路」計畫,除了推出演唱會主題曲〈World Top〉,並宣布8月3日首次在台北小巨蛋開唱,今(11) 釋出新一波歌曲〈Speed Reload〉,為攻蛋增添火力,也透過歌曲描述6人互相扶持、度過重重關卡的熱血情誼。
    2024/06/11 15:37
  • 8月首攻蛋!Ozone門票今開賣 魔鬼訓練菜單不藏了

    新生代男團「Ozone」將於8月3日唱進台北小巨蛋,這是他們成軍出道1年半後的首場萬人售票大型演唱會,近日釋出主題曲〈World Top〉為演唱會宣傳,今(1)日演唱會的門票開賣,在半小時就售出9成,票房相當亮眼。
    2024/06/01 19:33
  • Ozone備戰小巨蛋!登3公尺舞台險跌落 祖安懼高崩潰喊腳麻

    人氣男團「Ozone」即將唱進台北小巨蛋,演唱會主題曲〈World Top〉MV今(30)日正式上架。除了先前曝光的6人6色和銀白造型,他們首次嘗試酷勁十足的全黑造型,服裝上還加上亮片元素,在黑暗中更顯燦爛,並率領24位舞者大跳王者之舞,展現攻頂王者的磅薄氣勢。
    2024/05/30 13:44
  • 為了當王者!Ozone拚命挑戰第一次 爆卡關認:容易出錯

    男團Ozone上週六於hito流行音樂頒獎典禮上,首次公開唱跳台北小巨蛋演唱會主題曲〈World Top〉,文廷和煥鈞在舞台上秀出如同特技的絕招,直接炸裂台北小巨蛋,精彩演出大獲好評!MV預告終於釋出,比之前更磅薄的場景,更華麗的舞台,他們身穿銀白色西裝在王冠舞台上舞動的身影搶先曝光,讓粉絲大呼「太帥氣」、「太期待」!
    2024/05/27 13:30
  • Taiwan seeks WHO inclusion with Geneva diplomatic reception

    Discover how Taiwan is advocating for its inclusion in WHO activities by hosting a diplomatic reception in Geneva, highlighting its top-ranked public health system and garnering international support.
    2024/05/27 09:55
  • Ozone搞親密!2團員爆互摸「私密部位」:很硬

    男團Ozone宣布將在8月3日首次登上台北小巨蛋舞台,舉行「World Top」演唱會,今(22)日舉辦記者會,除了公布演唱會在6月1日中午12點開賣,同時釋出正式海報主視覺,六人為了準備演唱會,都豁出去在各方面加強訓練,台上講到這些心酸,佳辰還忍不住掉下眼淚,「想到這一路上,粉絲朋友的支持,很多工作上面,很多人的幫助,一路從北流,唱到小巨蛋演唱會」,而也因此培養好感情,還會互相按摩,坦誠相見樣樣來。
    2024/05/22 15:55
  • 《原子少年2》導師首合體!坤達預告更嚴厲 超帥形象照曝光

    在台造成「原子炫風」的男團選秀節目《原子少年》2022年開播以來收視屢屢打破紀錄,比賽還未正式結束就舉辦兩場見面會,不但全場座無虛席,門票一啟售更是秒殺。節目播畢一舉唱進TICC連開三場演唱會,更前進高雄流行音樂中心,現場門票與線上觀眾累積近五萬瀏覽人次。而人氣出道團「Ozone」也即將在八月於小巨蛋舉行《World Top》演唱會,成為原子少年第一組破蛋出道團體。製作單位才宣布推出第二季節目-《原子少年2》便受到國外媒體關注,就連美國權威媒體美聯社(Associated Press)都刊登節目播出消息,讓不少忠實觀眾直呼原子少年已然是另類「台灣之光」。
    2024/05/20 21:53
  • 為了攻頂!Ozone日練舞4小時+跑10K 團員:要吐血

    男團Ozone日前宣布開啟「攻頂之路」計畫,從5月起,每月推出新作品,第一篇章單曲〈World Top〉,單曲一上線就獲得一致好評,為了打造出霸氣十足的「王者之舞」,舞蹈強度再創高峰,Ozone天天在練舞室待上4小時以上,且練完舞還必須去跑步,一跑10公里,挑戰體能極限,子翔開玩笑說:「真的累到要吐血!」但為了呈現最「Top」的表演,哲言直說:「除了頻繁練習沒有不二法門。」
    2024/05/14 15:41
  • 出道1年半!Ozone報喜首攻蛋「時間出爐」 感動心聲全說了

    由子翔、哲言、佳辰、煥鈞、祖安、文廷組成的人氣男團「Ozone」,宣布開啟「攻頂之路」計畫,推出新單曲〈World Top〉後,報喜將在8月3日首次舉辦台北小巨蛋演唱會,他們感動表示:「謝謝大家的支持,讓遙不可及的目標,一步一步的實現。」
    2024/05/03 11:38
  • 寶格麗加持!Ozone宣布「攻頂之路」計畫 新造型帥成這樣

    超人氣男團Ozone開啟「Ozone攻頂之路」計畫,Ozone將從5月起,每月推出新作品,一步一步走上攻頂之路,而攻頂之路的第一篇章是在5月3日推出全新單曲〈World Top〉,為了展開這段攻頂之路,6位成員以全新造型應戰,配戴上頂級珠寶品牌寶格麗的配飾,子翔、哲言、煥鈞和祖安換上新髮色,同時透過新造型宣布全員官方應援色,透過粉絲的應援,和Ozone一起登上「World Top」。
    2024/04/30 13:36
  • 企鵝妹宣布「嫁」來台灣!預告會有喜事發生 露面全說了

    阿沁出道20年宣布單飛,今(11)日生日當天,舉辦發片慶生記者會,新公司「晴空未來音樂」還特別找來旗下藝人台、韓人氣網紅 「企鵝妹」、Ivy Chao來為阿沁慶生,老婆與2個女兒也驚喜送上蛋糕,讓他又驚又喜,而人氣相當旺的企鵝妹,也接受媒體訪問,現場還特地清唱一段〈Top Of The World〉,融化現場所有人。
    2024/03/11 17:06
  • Global young minds unite in Taiwan Int’l Science Fair

    The 22nd annual Taiwan International Science Fair opened at the National Taiwan Science Education Center, featuring 630 teachers and students from 27 countries presenting 211 top projects. The fair focuses on international exchange and sharing, with extended event duration to accommodate foreign participants. Activities include expert talks, workshops, a science tour, and a cultural night. Minister of Education Pan Wen-chung praised Taiwan’s young scientists and highlighted the fair’s growing influence as one of Asia’s top science fairs. The event saw a record number of participating nations, demonstrating the ministry’s mission to educate students globally.
    2024/01/29 14:37
  • EVA Air ranks 14th in global safety rankings for 2024

    Taiwan’s EVA Airlines has been ranked the 14th safest airline in the world in 2024 by Australian airline review site AirlineRatings.com. The annual list features the top 25 safest airlines, assessed from 385 carriers. Air New Zealand holds the title of the world’s safest airline for 2024, followed by Qantas, Virgin Australia, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways, Emirates, All Nippon Airways, Finnair, Cathay Pacific Airways, and Alaska Airlines. EVA Air is the only company from Taiwan to make it into the top 25. Japan Airlines, which was involved in a collision on Jan. 2, landed in the 20th spot. AirlineRatings.com evaluates carriers based on safety measures, flight records, serious accident records, pilot training, the age of their fleet, and more. The top 25 airlines are considered the creme de la creme of the aviation industry, known for their strong reputation in safety, innovation, and the introduction of new airplanes.
    2024/01/22 14:50
  • K-Pop Icon IU set to perform at Taipei Arena in April 2024

    South Korean star IU, known as the "Nation’s Little Sister," has surprised fans by revealing her 2024 world tour schedule on Instagram. The acclaimed singer-songwriter, composer, and actress will be performing at the Taipei Arena on April 6 and 7. This marks IU’s return to Taiwan after four years and her debut performance at the renowned venue. IU is highly popular in Taiwan, thanks to her past visits and engaging activities for her fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. World Tour Concert" will take her to various global cities, including Seoul, Yokohama, Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, London, Berlin, Bangkok, Osaka, Newark, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Rosemont, Oakland, and Los Angeles. IU is not only known for her powerful singing ability but also for her top-notch acting skills, showcased in hit Korean dramas such as "My Mister" and "Hotel del Luna." With the announcement of her Taiwan concerts, a ticket sales frenzy is expected.
    2024/01/17 16:39
  • Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data

    In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
    2024/01/07 11:06
  • Tai Tzu-ying named ’top player’ after World Tour Finals win

    Taiwan’s badminton player Tai Tzu-ying, the silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, has been recognized as "one of the top players in the world" by Malaysian newspaper "The Star" after winning the World Tour Finals. With victories at the Badminton Asia Championships, 2023 Taipei Open, and the World Tour Finals, the 29-year-old earned a prize of US$200,000 (approximately NT$6.3 million) and 12,000 world ranking points, positioning her well for the Paris Olympics seedings. Tai’s competitors in Paris include China’s Chen Yufei, South Korea’s An Se-young, Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi, and Spain’s Carolina Marin. In an interview with the Badminton World Federation (BWF), Tai emphasized the importance of maintaining her health as she prepares for the Olympics. She also confirmed that the Paris games will be her last, making it her most crucial opportunity to win a gold medal.
    2023/12/25 17:38
  • Taiwanese students excel in civic knowledge, OECD finds

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s ’108 curriculum’ has brought about new educational outcomes, as noted by Premier Chen Chien-jen. The 2022 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS 2022) by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) reveals that Taiwanese students have achieved top global rankings in civic knowledge, gender equality, and ethnic group equality. The government’s efforts to strengthen education through the new curriculum have also been recognized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Among 81 countries assessed, Taiwanese students ranked third in mathematics literacy, fourth in science, and fifth in reading. Premier Chen emphasized that these achievements highlight Taiwan’s exceptional students and demonstrate the nation’s commitment to investing in education. The OECD evaluation further solidifies Taiwan’s position on the world stage for educational accomplishments, showcasing the effectiveness of its educational policies and curriculum advancements. Premier Chen expressed confidence in Taiwan’s youth and the government’s education approach, stating that these high rankings represent a valuable investment in the future generations of Taiwan.
    2023/12/18 21:21
  • Lai Ching-te’s campaign unveils ’World’s Taiwan’ commercial

    Lai Ching-te’s national campaign headquarters, led by campaign manager Pan Men-an and spokesperson Tai Wei-shan, unveiled their latest campaign commercial during a press conference titled "The World’s Taiwan." Tai highlighted Taiwan’s increased visibility on the international stage, emphasizing the international community’s growing confidence in Taiwan and their willingness to collaborate. The campaign event follows Taiwan’s recognition as the top democracy in Asia by The Economist and its 6th place ranking in competitiveness worldwide according to the IMD Business School’s 2023 World Competitiveness Yearbook. Taiwan’s economic standing as the 21st largest economy globally and the 18th largest trading nation, with a higher GDP per capita than South Korea, was also praised. The campaign video emphasizes the importance of selecting the right leader to continue Taiwan’s advancement towards a more significant global presence.
    2023/12/12 13:43
  • Taiwan’s #MeToo, viral resurgence among LINE TODAY hits

    LINE TODAY, an information site by LY Corporation, reveals the top 10 news topics in 2023. Entertainment news, mainly linked to #MeToo movement sexual harassment incidents involving Taiwanese celebrities, tops the list. Coco Lee’s passing, a Hong Kong-American Mandarin pop singer-songwriter, ranks second. Relaxed pandemic policies causing a resurgence of viruses takes the third spot. Taiwanese people show high sensitivity to international affairs, reflected in comments and shares on the "TODAY Sees the World" channel. Popular polls and quizzes cover leisure, entertainment, livelihood, and policy topics, including Apple products, the president’s salary, and the "Slam Dunk" manga quiz.
    2023/12/11 21:29
  • NTU drops to 21st in 2024 QS Asia rankings

    National Taiwan University (NTU) has dropped from 19th to 21st in the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings in Asia. Peking University in China maintains its top position. Two other Taiwanese universities, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), also slipped in the rankings. The top ten universities in the QS Asia rankings are Peking University, Hong Kong University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Yonsei University, Korea University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The QS World University Rankings are influential in the global academic world and are used by potential students and educational policymakers.
    2023/11/09 17:27
  • Taiwan’s real wages to rise by 2.5% in 2024: report

    Asian-Pacific workers, including those in Taiwan, are expected to experience the highest global growth in real wage increases in 2024, according to recent data. India leads the way with a projected rise of 5.1%, while Taiwan contributes with a 2.5% increase. The ECA International’s Salary Trends Report indicates that real wages for Asian-Pacific workers will increase by 2.2% in 2024, more than double the global average of 1%. Taiwan ranks sixth in the real salary forecast growth rate in the Asia-Pacific region, surpassing Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, and South Korea. Vietnam and Thailand are expected to see real wage surges of 3.6% and 3.4% respectively, while Singapore is projected to have modest growth of 0.5%. The region’s advantage of lower inflation rates compared to the rest of the world contributes to these increases. Greater China locations, excluding Hong Kong, are expected to be among the top ten globally in terms of real wage increases in 2024.
    2023/11/09 15:09
  • Taipei Dome Nov. 18 warm-up baseball game to open to public

    Starting from November 10, the public can request tickets online for a free viewing of the warm-up baseball game at the Taipei Dome on November 18. The game is part of the essential competition facilities review by the Farglory Group. The November 14 warm-up match will be a closed-door event involving four top-tier teams. On November 18, the "Home Run Taipei Dome Warm-up Game" will take place, featuring a match-up between the training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The Dome is expected to open 13,000 seats to the public. Tickets can be requested online through the tixCraft ticketing system from November 10 to November 17. Each account is limited to 2 tickets, while supplies last. The company warns spectators that they will not consider compensation or other rights claims if they result from deficiencies or imperfections in the venue’s facilities. Farglory Group encourages adherence to venue regulations and recommends using public transportation to reach the games.
    2023/11/06 16:10
  • 《聲林》冠軍柏霖曝錄音怪癖 為融入情緒竟將房間燈全關

    電影《鱷魚歌王》今(14)日舉辦電影首映記者會,中文版主唱柏霖PoLin,於映後live獻唱電影主題曲〈Top of the World〉,不同於原版主唱「全民男友」尚恩曼德斯(Shawn Mendes)的抒情唱法,柏霖充滿爆發力的野性嗓音,賦予這首洗腦金曲完全不一樣的風貌。他更透露自己為了呈現不同於原唱的聲線,在錄歌時把整個房間的燈關掉。
    2023/01/14 19:05
  • FCC commissioner: Chinese growing tech a rising threat

    The leaders of the world’s top superpowers, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, met in person in Bali at the G20 summit for the first time since Biden took office. Against this backdrop, TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communication Commissions of the U.S., on information censorship, semiconductor chips, and all things related to information and communications technology with the U.S., China, and Taiwan.
    2022/11/17 19:13
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